
Virtual Space Campus

By creating the Virtual Space Campus across Yorkshire, SHY is maximising the significant contribution that the region’s schools, colleges and universities have to make to the UK Space industry – contributing world-class knowledge through research, world-class skills through teaching and professional development, and inspiration through educational outreach. Through the Virtual Space Campus SHY is playing a vital and effective role in coordinating regional Space activities across industry, research, teaching and policies, securing commitment from the region’s key stakeholders to tangible and practical mechanisms for ensuring a continued focus on Space-enabled activities.

Universities in SHY Virtual Space Campus:

University Name

Areas of Academic Expertise

University Space Lead

University of Bradford

Communications, Satelite Imaging, Data Science, AI, Distributed Control Systems, security, Failure analysis, Real time prediction of Space weather events, Engaged in space outreach activities.

Professor Fun Hu
Professor Fun Hu
Head of Biomedical Electronics
Faculty of Engineering and Informatics
For further details on University of Bradford Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: Professor Martin Priest –
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: Faculty of Engineering and Informatics.
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: The Bradford-Renduchintala Centre for Space AI was established very recently through private donation from one of our Alumni, Dr Murthy Renduchintala, as well as significant university investment. The Centre has a focus on the application of artificial intelligence, distributed computing and embedded electronics to develop autonomous information and communication solutions for space systems and their management. We currently have around 15 academic and research staff members with complementary expertise joining the Centre, many of them are at their early stage of career. Currently, there are five research themes including communications, satellite imaging and data science, artificial intelligence, distributed computing and control systems, reliability according to our current expertise. Our ambition is to become a Centre of Excellence in the field of space/satellite engineering with the ultimate goal to be at top 5 UK universities in space/satellite engineering and top 20 worldwide within a decade, building on the excellent research and teaching activities and environment.
Photo Gallery: The Bradford Renduchintala Centre for Space AI

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University of Huddersfield



Cyber security for space operations and data infrastructure; industrial and manufacturing research

Professor Rebecca Seviour
Professor Rebecca Seviour
Group Leader: ARG, Associate Member
Centre for Engineering Materials
For further details on University of Huddersfield Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: James Devitt
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: School for Applied Sciences
School of Computing and Engineering, Ion Beam Centre
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: Accelerator Research Group, Ultra Precision Surfaces Group , Technical Textiles Research Centre, School of Applied Sciences, School of Computing and Engineering
Photo Gallery:

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University of Hull

Machine vision and advanced computer techniques

For further details on University of Hull Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: Prof Graham Ferrier
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: Physics and Astrophysics, Geography Geology and Environment
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: Downstream applications, including data management, data interpretation, and science exploitation of space data.
Sensors/platforms development:
Hyperspectral remote sensing methodologies
Thermal Hyperspectral & FTIR Spectroscopy
Microwave (passive and SAR)
Integration of laboratory- field-, UAV-, airborne- and satellite-mounted sensors for multi-scale, multi-wavelength earth observation approaches
Coastal and Marine biological and oceanographic processes (e.g. estuarine eutrophication, aquaculture resource mapping, surface wind velocity / wave height monitoring)
Natural Resource Mapping (e.g. Critical Minerals Exploration; Soil characterisation (e.g. Soil Organic Carbon Mapping); Habitat Mapping)
Environmental Pollution Monitoring (e.g. Acid Mine Drainage, landfill leachate contamination)
Geological and Geohazard Mapping (e.g. 3D sedimentary basin characterisation; volcanic processes and hazards; landslides; Carbon, Capture and Storage mapping)
Photo Gallery: E. A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics

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University of Leeds


Earth Observation, Environmental Science, Atmospheric Chemistry, Instrumentation and Hardware, Planetary Science, Astronomy, Advanced Computing Techniques, Data Science, AI and Machine Learning

Professor Anna Hogg
Founder of Space Hub Yorkshire
Co-director of the NERC SENSE CDT


For further details on University of Leeds Click here.
Additional Space Contacts:  
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: School of Earth and Environment
School of Physics and Astrophysics
School of Computing
School of Geography
Faculty of Engineering
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes:
  • University of Leeds expertise in Earth observation and advanced computer techniques is a key strength underpinning our leading role in the Met Office Academic Partnership (MOAP), and the decision to locate the headquarters of UK centres of excellence, such as the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) and the Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET), at Leeds.
  • The University of Leeds is one of thirteen UK universities providing research expertise as part of the Alan Turing Institute – the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence.
  • Leeds is home to a nationally leading computer vision and artificial intelligence research group, applying computer vision analytic techniques across multiple sectors including medicine, security, urban data, transport, climate and the environment, and to the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA).
  • The Institute for Communication and Power Networks – longstanding international reputation for communications, signal processing, control systems and instrumentation research and training.
  • The University leads the Wired Core & Access Networks (WCAN) working group on behalf of the GreenTouch consortium – an international consortium of 55 leading information and communication technology research experts.
  • The University of Leeds also has extensive quantum technology expertise through the Theoretical Physics Group. The group’s eight leading academics cover topics that range from quantum information processing, quantum optics and quantum field theory, to condensed and soft matter physics and computational biophysics.
  • Within the University of Leeds there are also already cross-disciplinary examples of combining advanced computer techniques to climate, environmental science and Earth observation, drawing on world-leading knowledge and skills within:
    • Earth Observation via SENSE
    • Climate Science via the Priestley International Centre for Climate
    • Environmental Science via the Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme (iCASP) and the Met Office Academic Partnership
    • Climate Finance
Photo Gallery:  

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Leeds Arts University



Strong visual communication, Animation, illustration, graphic design, textiles, filmmaking, photography, etc

Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones
Head of Careers, Employability and Enterprise
Leeds Arts University


For further details on Leeds Arts University Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: Elli Whitefoot –
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: We are strong on visual communication and design – From lens based practices (Filmmaking/Photography), Animation, Illustration, Graphic Design, Creative Writing and Creative Advertising, Music, Fashion and Textiles, we have the talent and skills to create visuals, build models, and add clarity to narratives across a wide range of mediums to communicate with different audiences.
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: Communication Design, images and ideas dissemination
Photo Gallery:

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Leeds Beckett University



Cyber security for space operations and data infrastructure; Earth observation

Simon Baldwin
Simon Baldwin
Associate Director
Knowledge Exchange
For further details on Leeds Beckett University Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: Dr Katherine Harrison
Dr Ah-Lian Kor
Dr Roz Wyatt-Millington
Dr Anatoliy Gorbenko
Dr Adam Hardy
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: School of Cultural Studies and Humanities
School of Built Environment, Engineering and Computing
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: AI, Deep Learning, Reinforced Learning for satellite images.
Embedded systems for enabling Smart systems and the Internet of Things.
Dependability and performance of distributed systems, SOA and clouds;
SW vulnerability and intrusion tolerance.
Cyber security for space operations and data infrastructure;
Earth observation, the visual culture of the new space age
Leeds Sustainability Institute
Cybercrime and Security Innovation Centre
Photo Gallery: Rose Bowl Leeds Hacking Society

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University of Sheffield




Industrial and manufacturing research

Professor Viktor Fedun
Professor Viktor Fedun
Dept. of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering
For further details on University of Sheffield Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: Professor George Panoutsos
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: Faculty of Engineering (FoE):
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE)
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE)
Faculty of Science (FoS):
School of Mathematics and Statistics (SoMaS)
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: Semiconductor Materials & Devices Research Group (EEE, FoE) Prof Jo Shien Ng, Dr Jon Wilmot and Prof Mark Hopkinson
– Various aspects of sensors for space applications. Involvement in terrestrial sensing (ESA, EU project with Thales Alenia Space ). Interests to get involved in satellite based ground sensing, wireless communications systems, the electronic and optical systems on satellites.
Communications Research Group (EEE, FoE) Dr Eddie Ball, Prof Merlyne DeSouza
– Ultra-low power communications circuits for satellites.
Electrical Machines and Drives Group (EEE, FoE) Prof Alan Tennant
– Communication antennas.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (FoE) Prof Martin Jackson, Dr Hector Basoalto-Ibarra
– Research for materials for the space-relevant applications.
Space Systems Laboratory (ACSE, FoE) Prof Michael Balikhin, Drs Simon Pope, Hualiang Wei, Simon Walker, Keith Yearby, Richard Boynton
– SSL is the PI group for DWP instrument on Cluster,,;
– Involvement in RPWI instrument for JUICE mission (development of data compression,;
– Space Weather Forecast.
Plasma Dynamics Group (ACSE, FoE) Prof Viktor Fedun, Dr Suzana Silva
– The mathematical modelling of the physics of the solar atmosphere and space/engineering plasmas;
– Involvement in SILIS project, laser optical communications,;
– Space-related student’s extracurricular activities,

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (FoE) Drs Peyman Moghadam, Sergio Vernuccio
– Collaboration with ESA to design heuristics to speed up the way novel MOF catalysts are discovered for advancing fuel production technologies via photocatalytic CO2 reduction

Environmental Dynamics (SoMaS, FoS) Prof Sean Quegan
– Developing and leading the EU BIOMASS project which is putting a satellite up to quantify biomass (data analysis, climate change/biodiversity, data analytics/metrology).

Potential areas for collaboration
– Advanced manufacturing research;
– Material science;
– Data science and AI;
– Communication networks;
– Computer Science;
– Departments of physics, astrophysics and particle physics, and School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Photo Gallery:

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York St John University




Cyber security for space operations and data infrastructure

Professor Robert Mortimer
Professor Robert Mortimer
Pro Vice Chancellor
Research and Knowledge Transfer
For further details on York St John University Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: Dr. Malak Olamaie
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: School of Science, Technology and Health
School of the Arts
School of Humanities
School of Education, Language and Psychology
YSJ London Campus.
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: Data Science and Computer Science Programmes both in York and London Campus, expertise in Astrophysics, Cosmology, Space and atmospheric sciences, expertise in Machine learning, Deep learning, AI and cyber security, expertise in science fiction and utopia, expertise in contextualising and examining the philosophical and ethical issues raised by space exploration. A London SHY help desk in our new premise.
Photo Gallery: York St John inside York St John outside

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Sheffield Hallam University



Materials Science and Advanced Coatings

Professor Wayne Cranton
Professor Wayne Cranton
Dean of Research
For further details on Sheffield Hallam University Click here.
Additional Space Contacts: Danielle Miles, Research Institute Innovation Manager,
Faculties/departments that hold Space skills training and research: Industry and Innovation Research Institute
College of Business
Technology and Engineering
Areas of Space expertise e.g. Facilities, Research Groups, Centres, Organisations, Institutes, Programmes: Materials Science and Engineering
Surface Engineering – advanced coatings
Cybersecurity and Information Systems
Robotics and human interaction
Photo Gallery: Industry and Innovation Research Institute

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