DASA – Defence and Security Accelerator
Delivered by Gov.uk
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) helps UK defence and security maintain a strategic advantage over its adversaries by understand the requirements of defence and security stakeholders and seeking out novel solutions and new capabilities.
We welcome ideas from organisations of any size, whether or not they have worked in the defence and security sector previously.
To do this, DASA works collaboratively with government, industry and academia to identify ground-breaking ideas that will solve contemporary problem sets, while working to ensure that new ideas can be developed and integrated into front line services.
DASA has a wide remit across defence and security and we welcome ideas from all fields of science and technology, seeking better ways of working, better solutions, and new capabilities.
We fund innovation through two main mechanisms, the Open Call for Innovation and Themed Competitions.
Open Call for Innovation
The Open Call is open to innovators to propose their groundbreaking idea for defence and security, by providing the opportunity to submit their ideas to defence and security stakeholders.
It is open for proposals all year round, with assessment dates scheduled across the year. We will gauge end users’ interest, then assess and contract the very best proposals.
Themed Competitions
Themed Competitions offer innovators the opportunity to submit proposals around specific government areas of interest, where the challenge is clearly defined by the customer. Previous themed challenge competitions have included Space to Innovate and an International Space Pitch Day. Themed competitions may only run for a short time and have set closing dates.
How do you get involved?
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) has a team of regionally based Innovation Partners, who are available to give advice to innovators about their ideas and how they can best engage with DASA. Contact your DASA Innovation Partner today.