The University of Leeds has been successul in its bid to join SPRINT as an associate member.
SPRINT is the SPace Research and Innovation Network for Technology, a unique partnership of top UK space universities, industry, government agencies and the investment community dedicated to supporting the growth of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK through the commercial exploitation of space data and technologies.
SPRINT provides SMEs unprecedented funded access to the expertise (people, knowledge, facilities, applications, technologies and training) in the UK’s top space universities to support the development of new products and services enabled through space for their core markets. Through its partners, SPRINT connects with the UK’s space innovation ecosystem helping SMEs (in any stage of their growth journey) find the technical and business support they need to take their business to the next level.
The University of Leeds contacts for this are Dr Ruth Amey and Glenn McCauley. They are looking forward to working with SPRINT, and would be happy to support other Space Hub Yorkshire Universities apply for associate membership in the future.